Proof copies of Zion are here & great endorsement

In Zion we watch a small community and a family struggle to adapt to the dramatic social transformation of the 60s and 70s as the tentacles of change inched deeper into the countryside. Dayne Sherman tugs on our emotions as we are forced to choose sides…anger, disappointment, rage, joy, laughter…it’s all there. Sherman channels Erskine Caldwell as we see flaws in good rural Southern folks and a glimmer of hope for redemption in the evil ones. This is a compelling story of coming of age in a small town, of the consequences of greed and selfishness, of the natural struggles between father and son and between husband and wife, and of the terror and consequences of getting caught for the evil deeds that seemingly ordinary people sometimes hide from their families.

Philip Shirley, author of The White Lie and Oh Don’t You Cry For Me, a finalist for the Jefferson Prize


Proof copies of Zion

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