Zion is FREE Nov. 14 & Jim Engster Show

On Friday, November 14, from 5-6 PM, Dayne will be on the Jim Engster Show on 107.3 FM in Baton Rouge and elsewhere through the Louisiana Radio Network. Jim is one of the best interviewers in the business. Please call in (1-877-217-5757 -or- jim@engstershow.com).

The topic: Louisiana politics. Here’s the link to the show: http://www.talk1073.com/…/…/185618-The-Jim-Engster-Show.html

And Zion, a Louisiana mystery, will be free all day on Nov. 14th: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OWN9S5Y/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_LIwzub0AZAFCN

A recent review of Zion:

Jam-packed with local color, Dayne Sherman strives to continue the tradition of William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, and other writers who rooted their human dramas in the soil of rural America. Zion paints a vivid picture of the rural South of another era. Sherman shows readers the dark side of rural southern life: the small town corruption and cronyism, the racism, and the religious hypocrisy, but, thankfully, he does not stop there. Nobility is there too, and that is one of this novel’s strengths. It avoids the extremes of demonizing the rural southerners (a popular pastime these days) and excessive romanticizing of the “good old days.” Not all of his “bumpkins” are stupid. Tom, his main character, is a self-educated scholar even though his intelligence might not be obvious to outside observers. (My great-grandfather was that kind of rural intellectual. He was a mailman and subsistence farmer, but he read history books for fun.) I confess it took me a couple of chapters to really warm up to the characters, but once the story started moving, it was worth the wait.

Thanks, Dr. Timothy D. Wise





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